Saturday 14 September 2024 10am - 5pm at St. Mary's Church
The church will be open 10am to 5pm for visitors. Refreshments will be available.
At 2pm, Bob Trubshaw, of the Wolds Historical Organisation, will give an illustrated talk on ‘A.W. Pugin’s Radical Restoration of St Mary’s Church, Wymeswold’.
Details: The restoration of the parish church at Wymeswold, Leicestershire, was something of a trend-setter – at least back in the 1840s. Bob Trubshaw puts this restoration into the context of the early Gothic Revival movement and compares it to other early nineteenth century churches in the county. Most of Pugin’s structure and decorative features remain unchanged, which makes St Mary’s an important example of his work.
After the talk, there will be an opportunity for an informal tour of the Pugin elements of the church.
Pre-booking is not necessary, and entry is free.
Saturday 14th September is also ‘Ride and Stride’ day, a day of sponsored walks, cycle rides and horse rides etc, to raise money for the Leicestershire Historic Churches Trust.