National Lottery Heritage Fund bid – success!

St Mary’s PCC are delighted to share the news that we have been successful with our National Lottery Heritage Fund bid for funds towards urgent repairs to the roof of St Mary’s Church and associated Wymeswold heritage projects. This news is particularly welcome as over the summer the church was placed on Historic England’s national ‘Heritage at Risk’ register.

We have been awarded the whole sum that we asked for, just over £227,000. This will cover around 80% of the cost of the project. The bulk of the grant will be used for the roof repairs, but a significant amount will be used for heritage projects.

One condition of the award is that we raise the other 20% of the costs. We are most grateful to the Wymeswold Church Fund Appeal for their assistance with this. With their various fundraising events they are a significant contributor to our match funding.

The official launch of the project will be at an open morning in the church on Saturday 19th October 10:30-12. Please put the date in your diary and come along to find out more. We need the help and support of the village to make this project successful.

A huge thank you to all who helped with the application process. Many people gave up their time and contributed to the positive outcome of our bid.

St Mary’s Church NLHF Team

‘Preserving A.W. Pugin’s Church: St Mary’s, Wymeswold Roof Repairs and Community Heritage Stories’ is made possible with The National Lottery Heritage Fund. Thanks to National Lottery players, we have been able to repair our church roof and work with volunteers to tell Wymeswold stories.

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