December 2008
Report of the meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council held on 1st December
Police report: The police are continuing to take action on incidents of unsocial behaviour. They are also looking into the potential danger to users of the Scout Hut and Playing Field on Burton Lane due to speeding vehicles to try and find a solution.
Outreach Post Office: The opening hours on Wednesday have been changed to 10am-2pm. Details of all the opening times are now displayed in the Parish Council notice board.
Damage to Queen’s Park: The triangle at the bottom of The Stockwell (known as Queen’s Park) has suffered serious damage over recent weeks caused by vehicles cutting corners and parking on this area. The Parish Council has had discussions with LCC Highways staff and the developers working on Brook Street . It has been agreed that the Parish Council will make a contribution to the repair of the top corner by Highways, which will require kerbing to prevent vehicles driving over this area. The developers have agreed to replace the soil and reseed the damaged areas in the New Year when the weather is suitable, and when visits from lorries and vans to their site have finished.
Kerbs on Brook Street: Part of the planning permission for the new development includes work on both the highway and pavement in this area. The blue bricks have been replaced with conservation style kerbing, and the distance between the road and pavement reduced with a lowered area to make crossing the road in this area easier.
Charnwood 2026 consultation: A response to this has been compiled and submitted to Charnwood Borough Council.
Memorial Hall lift: It was agreed to make a contribution from the current year’s budget towards the cost of installing a lift. Some funding for this project has already been secured and additional grants are being sought.
2009/10 precept: A draft budget for the coming financial year has been drafted and will be confirmed at the January meeting.
Premises licence for Prestwold Hall: Details have been received of a premises licence application for Prestwold Hall. The Parish Council considers that while a limited number of small scale events would be acceptable, the possibility of a substantial number of big events leading to increased traffic, noise and large numbers of visitors to the area is a concern.
November 2008
Report of the meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council held on 3rd November
Police report: There were a number of incidents of anti-social behaviour and criminal damage in October, and the police are taking action on these. Two more parishioners have volunteered to take part in the Speed Watch operation.
Post box update: A meeting with Post Office Ltd will be arranged shortly to consider possible locations for the new larger post box to replace the one outside the old post office. The preferred location is currently the north end of The Stockwell.
Drainage channel by The Civic: The work to improve the drainage under the road to avoid the pavement flooding has been completed. The grass will be reseeded at the appropriate time. The new arrangements have been tested recently and have coped with the additional water flow successfully.
Charnwood 2026 consultation: All households have received a postcard detailing events being held, and a number of meetings are scheduled to formulate a response. The deadline for responses is 5th December.
Entrances to the village: A suggestion has been received from LCC Highways that the planting on the traffic calming islands at the entrances to the village should be replaced by tarmac due to problems maintaining these areas. It is hoped that instead the existing planting can be replaced by lower maintenance varieties.
October 2008
Report of the meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council held on 6th October
Police report: There had been no crimes reported in Wymeswold in the last month. The graffiti had been removed form the Bowls Club walls by those responsible together with young volunteers from the village. The problems caused by the lack of street lighting and the speed of cars entering the village on Burton Lane for users of the scout hut were discussed, and it was agreed to investigate possible solutions.
Local Development Framework: The consultation on this will start on 24th October. This will consider the alternative options for the future development of Charnwood. All households will receive information and have the opportunity to comment. There will be a presentation and discussion at Loughborough Town Hall on 28th October from 7-9pm, and an exhibition in Wymeswold Memorial Hall on 11th November also from 7-9pm.
East Midlands Regional Plan: The plan had previously been circulated to councillors, along with the comments on the previous version which had been sent in December 2006. It was agreed that there was nothing to add to these.
Parking and traffic in Wymeswold: A report had been received from Highways indicating possible ways forward relating to both the damage to Queen’s Park and the area at the bottom of London Lane. Further discussion was needed on both these issues.
Moles in the cemetery: Following continued complaints about mole damage in the cemetery it was agree to arrange for them to be eradicated under licence.
Proposal to erect a flag pole in the village: Councillor Jenkins outlined his proposal for a flag pole in the village, but it was felt that there was not an obvious position in the village for a flag pole to be sited, and that this would not be an appropriate way in which to spend the precept.
Washdyke update: Trees which had died were being replaced, and a pruning session was scheduled for November. Grass around the bases of trees which could not be reached by mowing would be weed killed. Grants for the purchase of equipment for the trim trail were still being pursued. A number of offers to finance the purchase of benches and picnic tables had been made.
Best Village Competition: It was agreed that the £100 prize for the ‘ Best Village in Leicestershire competition (population 1,000-2,000)’ should be donated to The Wymeswold Washdyke Association. Councillors acknowledged the work that had been done by Lorraine Ellison and the Clerk in preparing the application for this competition.
September 2008
Report of the meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council held on 1st September
Police report: There had been two thefts from vehicles in the past month and PC Gilbertson emphasised the need to keep any items left in unattended cars out of sight. Problems caused by vehicles parked outside the school at the start and end of the day had returned with the start of the school term.
First Response Scheme: There appeared to be insufficient volunteers so far for this scheme to operate.
Post Box on Far Street: The Post Office had agreed that a larger post box would be installed in the village. This would be in a different location from the current one.
Community Health Service Review response: It was agreed to that the preferred option was to retain the Walk-In Centre in its present location. The proposal to relocate in within the Loughborough Hospital building complex would cause problems for Wymeswold residents with no transport.
LCC Highways inspection of Queens ‘ Park and London Lane/Hoton Road junction: A meeting had been held with LCC Highways to look at the damage to Queen’s Park caused by lorries, and also the state of the area at the bottom of London Lane caused by vehicles. A written report was awaited.
Washdyke update: Planning permission had been received, and the work on the parking area would commence shortly. The Washdyke Association had been registered as a charity which meant that the gift aid scheme could be operated. A 50% grant had been obtained for new goal posts
Kerbside recycling expansion: This had been expanded to include a number of additional items including Tetrapaks. A poster had been displayed on the notice board.
Mr Jack Bartram: Jack Bartram, for many years a Parish Councillor and had helped the village in countless ways had passed away over the summer. The Parish Council acknowledged his invaluable contribution to the village over many years.
August 2008
No Parish Council Meeting this month.
July 2008
Police report: There had been a number of burglaries from businesses in the area, including from the industrial estate. The police were liaising with the School’s PTA over the security of the building during the summer holidays.
Washdyke update: Replacements would be needed for a number of trees which had died. These would be planted in the Autumn. Work was being done on fundraising for play equipment including a bid to Charnwood. The paperwork for the resubmission of the planning application was nearly completed.
Regulations regarding burial plots: Councillors had visited the cemetery to consider the effect of the current regulations regarding memorials in the Garden of Remembrance . It was agreed that more information on what was available, and practice at other cemeteries, would be helpful in considering the issue.
Post Box: Councillor Holloway enquired whether it would be possible to arrange for a post box with a larger slot to be sited in the village so that larger envelopes could be posted when the Post Office was closed and it was agreed that the Clerk would look into this.
June 2008
Police report: PC Gilbertson reported on a large number of thefts at the recent Glastonbudget festival. It was thought that these were distraction thefts carried out by an organised gang.
Best village competition update: Judges would be visiting the village on 16 th June. A presentation in the Memorial Hall would be given by NS (for the Parish Council and the pantomime) and Lorraine Ellison, Heritage Warden (for the Community Orchard).
Wysall Lane landscaping update: Further details of this scheme had been received from Charnwood Borough Council.. It was agreed that that the suggestion to approve the plans with the proviso that any changes suggested by a ROSPA report were discussed and implemented as appropriate was an acceptable way forward.
Washdyke update: A logo for the Community Orchard had been created, and work was being done on the certificates for sponsors of the trees. Three tenders had been received for the work on the parking area near the entrance to the sports field and a decision was taken to approve expenditure on this work as it would be of benefit to Washdyke development, enhance the appearance of an unattractive area and also improve parking for users of both the Scout hut and the sports pavilion.
May 2008
Police report: PC Gilbertson reported on some recent success locally resulting from registration numbers of suspicious vehicles being reported to the police and urged parishioners to report anything about which they had concerns.
Dog fouling: Councillor Hubbard had recently identified a source of biodegradable bags, and it was agreed to order a supply of these. Granville’s had agreed to make them available.
Washdyke update: Labels for the individual trees were being produced, and the website was being updated giving details of varieties and sponsors. Applications for grants were being made, with many of these requiring matched funding. It was intended that the equipment would be introduced in a phased way, as funding became available. There would be a stall at the forthcoming Duck Race. Quotations were still being sought for the parking area required for planning permission, and the application had not yet been resubmitted.
Review of use of playing field for golf practice: Only 2 comments had been received on this. It was agreed to monitor the situation, and reconsider if it was felt there was a problem. The introduction of bylaws and their implementation would be complex and difficult.
April 2008
Report of the meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council held on 7th April
Community Responders This scheme was described by Mr Wright from Community Responders. It is designed to provide a team of local people trained in the use of a defibrillator who can provide a fast response in the event of cardiac arrest, prior to the arrival of the ambulance service. It is hoped that Wymeswold could join with other local parishes to develop such a scheme.
Church yard trees Charnwood’s Tree Officer has advised that the best solution is a planned programme of planting trees more appropriate for the location, and subsequently removing the lime stumps.
It was agreed to investigate the likely cost. Any work would need to be discussed with the church authorities.
Doorstep sellers The police have supplied some stickers which can be displayed in the window to deter unwanted callers. These are available from the Clerk.
Dog fouling This problem has become worse, both in the centre of the village but more particularly on Wysall Lane . Signage for this area is awaited, as are multi-purpose bins.
Publicity for village events With the imminent closure of the Post Office it has been agreed to make the parish notice board at the top of the Stockwell available for posters advertising community or charitable events organized by village clubs or societies, should space permit. All notices should be forwarded to the Clerk. Notices and advertisements for commercial organizations cannot be displayed.
Wysall Lane landscaping There are still some safety concerns with the most recent plans and Parish Councillor Bokor agreed to clarify the details and raise concerns with Charnwood Borough Council.
Washdyke update The first mowing of the season has been done, and the stile at the top of the Washdyke has been installed. Suppliers for labels for the trees are being investigated, as is a source for the finger post. Parish Councillors were pleased to see that the new football area was being used by young people from the village.
Annual parish meeting The Chair reminded Councillors that the next meeting would include the Annual Parish Meeting, and the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council which would precede the normal monthly meeting of the Parish Council. It will be held on Monday 12th May, and commence at 7pm. All parishioners are welcome to attend.
March 2008
Report of the meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council held on 3rd March 2008
Post Office closure There had been no response so far from Post Office Limited to the request to review the proposed opening hours of the Outreach service to be run from The Three Crowns public house. The Parish Council recorded its thanks to Mrs Sandra Brown and her staff for their service to the village over the last twenty years.
Police report The police had received no reports of crimes in Wymeswold during February. The mobile speed gun had been used in the village recently, and this exercise would be repeated.
Cold calling It was agreed that rather than trying to establish “no cold calling zones” in the village notices would be made available to anyone who wished to deter unwelcome visitors.
Leicestershire and Rutland Best Village competition Parish Councillors considered that both the recent pantomime and the planting of the community orchard were suitable projects to enter into this competition. The closing date was the beginning of April.
Mole problem in cemetery There were signs of mole activity in the cemetery, and it was decided to install a device to repel moles, and also to rake the existing mole hills. The mowing schedule would begin shortly which should improve the general appearance.
Church yard hedge The hedge had now been laid resulting in some gaps, which would need to be filled.
February 2008
Report of the Parish Council meeting held on 4th February 2008
Post Office closure The Parish Council noted the proposals for the closure of the current Post Office and its replacement with an Outreach service for 14 hours from the Three Crowns public house.
These hours would be Monday mornings, Friday all day and Saturday morning. It was felt that this arrangement of hours was unsatisfactory as there would be no service between Monday lunchtime and Friday morning and it was agreed to contact Post Office Limited and Post Watch to see if these hours could be spread more evenly throughout the week.
Washdyke update A meeting with staff from Leicestershire Highways had indicated that the creation of a hard standing area next to the gated entrance to the sports field, and a sign advising visitors arriving by car to park in this area would be sufficient to move the planning application (for the new access and change of use) forward.
Website update The Parish Council website had been updated and included a number of new features.
Wysall Lane estate landscaping Discussions were continuing about the landscaping of this area. The Parish Council was concerned about the safety aspects of the two ponds, and it was agreed to check what safety measures would be put in place.
Barrow Health Centre use of 0844 number The use of this number had cost implications for users, and it was not available from abroad. It was agreed to write to Barrow Health Centre expressing the Parish Council’s concerns.
January 2008
Report of the Parish Council meeting held on 7th January 2008
Heritage Warden Lorraine Ellison described her work as Heritage Warden. Recent surveys of wildlife in the village have covered snakes and dragonflies. Parishioners are encouraged to report any unusual sightings to her including photographs where possible. Parish Councillors thanked Mrs Ellison for all her hard work since taking over this role.
Churchyard hedge It was agreed to arrange for this to be laid in the next couple of months.
Proposed Post Office closure A response had been compiled and sent to the relevant department of the Post Office detailing the reasons for opposition to this.
Washdyke update All except a couple of trees were now planted in the community orchard. The Washdyke Association had put on a display in the Methodist Chapel of possible uses for the lower half of the Washdyke encouraging the young people of the village to have an input into the design.
Reporting of street light problems This can be done either via the web or by contacting the clerk (details below) if you wish her to report to any defect on your behalf. Alternatively this can be done via the parish council’s online fault reporting form which can be used to report problems of any kind to the clerk.