Parish Council Report February 2011

Police Report

There were 6 offences in Wymeswold during the month of January. On 01/01/2011 – Clay street, a vehicle cover was stolen, on 11/01/2011, Church Street, theft from motor vehicle the window was smashed and property stolen. On 11/01/2011 – Far Street there was an attempted burglary, a window was forced/damaged, on 17/01/2011 – Hoton Road a bicycle was stolen, on 22/01/2011 – Brook Street a wheelie bin was stolen and on 27/01/2011 – Far Street, criminal damage was caused to building roof.

Police Report

There were 6 offences in Wymeswold during the month of January. On 01/01/2011 – Clay street, a vehicle cover was stolen, on 11/01/2011, Church Street, theft from motor vehicle the window was smashed and property stolen. On 11/01/2011 – Far Street there was an attempted burglary, a window was forced/damaged, on 17/01/2011 – Hoton Road a bicycle was stolen, on 22/01/2011 – Brook Street a wheelie bin was stolen and on 27/01/2011 – Far Street, criminal damage was caused to building roof.

PC Melody also reported he has reviewed the issues raised relating to the anti social behavior that is occurring in the upper car park of the Memorial Hall and in order to deal with these issues the area is now on the priority beat. He urged people to report any anti-social behaviour straight away by calling 0116 222 2222 quotiong his PC no. 2864.

Local Elections – 5th May 2011

You may already be aware that the local elections are due to take place on the 5 th of May 2011. As a councillor you can be a voice for your community and help achieve a real change to the village. The Parish Council is always working towards improving the community and are responsible for a range of services which include, to mention just a few, the cemetery and burials, play areas such as The Washdyke, footpaths and bridleways, mowing and street lighting.The Parish Council relies on people that are prepared to put themselves forward to make a difference to how the community is run and developed. If you feel that this is an area that you would be interested please do not hesitate to contact the parish clerk, using the contact details below, for further information.