Parish Council Report January 2011

Police Report

PC Richard Melody reported that there were two offences in Wymeswold during December. Between the 12th and 20th of December a large amount of lead was stolen from the roof of a property on East Road and on the 29th of December tools were stolen from outbuildings on Narrow Lane.

The County and Borough Councillors Reports

Gritting During the extreme weather conditions experienced in December a considerable amount of gritting work was done in the county to keep our roads clear. County Cllr R Shepherd asked for the Parish Council’s views on this matter and the effectiveness or otherwise of gritting in Wymeswold.  This led to the inclusion of Wysall Lane as a higher priority (P3) on the gritting routes. This means that in icy conditions the P1 and P2 routes (which include the A6006, The Stockwell and Hoton Road) will be treated first, followed by the P3 routes including Burton Lane , London Lane and Wysall Lane.

Wymeswold Airfield Borough Councillor Jenny Bokor reported on the Wymeswold Airfield Noise Petition. The report to Cabinet on the 16th of December by Environmental Health did not establish a statutory noise nuisance albeit they only measured from the end of September to the end of October. However they will continue to monitor the noise levels into next year when activity increases again. They are also actively seeking solutions with Everyman Racing and Prestwold Hall to mitigate the noise especially as their latest application to extend the bund at Burton was refused at the Plans Committee on 9th of December.

Refuse Collection Cllr Bokor reported that the collection of refuse in the Wolds villages during the holidays was done efficiently and on time compared with serious problems in other parts of the country.

Grit Bins

Last year the Parish Council provided two new grit bins: one at the bottom of Burton Lane and the other on Wysall Lane. The filling of the bins is the responsibility of the County Council, but during the extreme weather in December some parishioners took grit from both these bins for their own personal use. As a result there was often insufficient grit for both Burton Lane and Wysall Lane, resulting in an increased danger to both road users and pedestrians at these areas. The Parish Council asks parishioners to provide their own grit supplies, and not to steal grit from the bins which is designated for highway safety.

Annual Precept and Budget 2011/2012

The Parish Council set an annual precept of £18,700 which represents no increase and the same precept as the previous two years. The budget includes amounts for renovation work on the Cemetery, plus ongoing support for the Washdyke project and Wymeswold Memorial Hall.

Renovations to the Pound and The Cemetery

The Parish Council are pleased to report that the renovation work to The Pound is due to start in mid-February and the first phase of the renovation on the cemetery work is due to start in March.

Washdyke Update

The Washdyke Committee have been very busy putting all the nameplates on the trees in the orchard and these have now all been completed. The nameplates include the type of tree, the type of fruit and the name of the sponsor. Also a decision is to be made soon on the three new pieces of equipment for the trim trail with plans to install them before April.