Parish Council Report July 2011

Police Report

There were three crimes committed in Wymeswold in June. On the night of 6/7th June on Woodlands Close a motor vehicle was broken into and the vehicle’s window was smashed. Between the 5/6th June a mobile phone was stolen from a tent on East Road and on the 14th June a man indecently exposed himself on Wysall Lane to a female runner.

Reports from the County and Borough Councillors

County Cllr R Shepherd reported on the developments of a faster broadband service in the village: Leicestershire County Council is currently working to improve broadband connectivity across Leicestershire. To deliver the Government’s vision that the UK has the best broadband connectivity in Europe by 2015, a fund of £530m has been made available to county authorities and Local Enterprise Partnerships. A proportion of this fund will be unlocked on submission of an agreed Local Broadband Plan. For more info rmation please contact Matthew Kempson (

Joint Parish Council Meeting

On the 14th of June a Joint Parish Councils Meeting was held between the parishes of Burton on the Wolds, Cotes and Prestwold, Hoton, Rempstone, Seagrave, and Wymeswold. Richard Bennett from Leicestershire County Council presented an overview of the Localism Bill. The Government’s objective is to shift power from the centre to the local community. The essential action points to achieve this objective are to lift the burden of bureaucracy which will empower communities to do things their way. The bill will also increase local control of public finance and diversify the supply of public services. The government plans to put this bill into practice in April 2012 but there may be delays.

Proposed HGV limits in the Keyworth and Plumtree area

A letter has been received from Scott Wilson Ltd representing Nottinghamshire County Council outlining a proposal to introduce an environmental weight restriction to the area bounded by the A46, A60, A606, A6006 and Flawforth Lane . This area includes Wysall Lane which would mean that heavy goods vehicles would be prohibited from using the route unless delivering goods. The Council agreed to support this proposal and is awaiting the outcome.

The Washdyke

The second phase of the improvements to the BMX track has been completed and Cllr Shaw is happy to report that it is now been used more frequently. Research is been undertaken into replacing the existing fence between the Scout Hut and the Washdyke and plans for the Sundial Project are ongoing.