Police Report
PC Melody could not attend this month’s meeting however a crime report for September was submitted. During September there were three reports of homes in the village having eggs thrown at them: two on Hoton Road and one on The Nook. PC Geeson had been in touch with the residents, but without witnesses he was unfortunately unable to find the culprits. The incidents took place between 5th and th September. On the 2nd September a theft was reported from Farriers Close, where a parcel left in a porch was stolen.
Reports from the County and Borough Councillors
Borough Councillor Jenny Bokor reported that the new recycling bins have now been delivered to all homes in Wymeswold and the new scheme is now fully operational. Charnwood Borough Council is hoping to increase the rate of recycling in the borough with the introduction of these bins. It was also reported that it was ‘Customer Services Week’ at Charnwood Borough Council and they are striving for an excellent level of service to the public.
Cemetery Update
The second phase of the cemetery renovation is now complete. The top surface of all the pathways were removed and re-laid with granite chippings. The strip edging along the paths has also been repaired and the damaged sections have been replaced. The Garden of Remembrance has also been cleared of weeds and vegetation. The overall effect including the renovation of the wall and the repainting of the railings earlier in the year means that we now have a much improved and smarter cemetery which we can be proud of.
Far Street Pedestrian Crossing
The feasibility report on the pedestrian crossing on Far Street has been returned. It was determined that the best way forward would be to continue with the plans to implement a safe crossing point across the A6006 between The Stockwell and Church Street. The next step will be to seek safety audit comments to establish if this can be taken forward.
A new Youth Group in Wymeswold?
The Parish Council have been contacted by an organisation called ‘Go-Gettas’ that come into communities and set up youth groups. They have set up a successful group in Birstall and a new group in Barrow has just been formed. The Parish Council is aware that volunteers have set up youth groups in the past but they have not been well attended and have subsequently folded. It is, however, an area in which we are lacking in the village, but whether we have enough young people in the village to support a youth group is another question. A representative from the group has been invited to give a short presentation at the next Parish Council meeting and we would like to invite any interested parishioners to come along. If you cannot attend the meeting we would be interested to hear your views, good or bad, so please contact me using the details below.