Police Report
In July there were four crimes committed in Wymeswold: Between the 20/6 and the 4/7 damage was caused to a wire fence on Far Street, between the 7/7 and the 8/7 a farm building was broken into on Wide Lane and property stolen was stolen. On the 22/7 youths were caught riding a motor bike along Storkit Lane and between the 28/7 & 29/7 diesel fuel was stolen from a parked lorry.
In August there were two crimes committed: on the 16/8 there was criminal damage to motor vehicle on Trinity Crescent and on 19/8 a shed on Rempstone Road was broken into and items were stolen.
PC Melody also reported that Quorn Police station has now closed, however the telephone numbers to report a crime still remain the same – 0116 2222222 or if doubt call 999.
Reports from the County and Borough Councillors
County Cllr R Shepherd has requested a detailed update on the developments of the A6006 since the site meeting with LCC highways in June. Once he has received this he will report back to the Parish Council. He is also investigating the use of satellite navigation systems in the HGV’s and is going to contact MP Nicky Morgan to see if it is possible for all HGV drivers to be requested to have the most up to date navigational systems to avoid cutting through the narrow village roads such as Church Street.
Borough Councillor Jenny Bokor reported that rural broadband funding has now been rolled out and £3.88 million has been allocated to Leicestershire. The aim is to have all areas running on a more efficient broadband by 2015. It was also reported that Charnwood Borough Council are responsible for cleaning and sweeping the civic paths running from East Road to Brook Street and the path between Church Street and The Stockwell. Leicestershire County Highways are responsible for maintaining them in terms of cutting back undergrowth on the verges (which is growing from the public verges not private gardens) and cutting back overhanging growth and any complaints will be reported directly to them.
St Mary’s Clock and Cemetery Update
You will have noticed that after the electricity power failure in July the clock on St Mary’s Church stopped. When the electricity came back on the power surge damaged the autowind unit which has now been removed and sent away for repair. This is unfortunately a lengthy and costly exercise and we hope you can bear with us whilst the repairs take place.
On a brighter note the cemetery wall on Rempstone Road has now been fully restored and the second phase of the work on the cemetery which includes the paths starts mid September.
The Queens Diamond Jubilee
To commemorate the Queens Diamond Jubilee the Parish Council is investigating the possibility of having a village sign made stand on The Stockwell. The Parish Council would like to invite your thoughts on this and any suggestions as to which particular village themes should be included on the sign. If you have any ideas please either e-mail me at the address below or ring 881664.