Parish Council Report April 2012

Update on proposal for a pedestrian crossing on Far Street between the Stockwell and Wysall Lane junctions

Cllr Shaw reported that LCC Highways had now submitted an alternative location for the pedestrian crossing outside no.51 Far Street. It was felt that this location would still carry the same concerns as outside no.49.

After a discussion it was agreed to contact LCC Highways outlining the concerns of parishioners to see if they could answer these queries and offer assurance that County Highways had taken all of the various points into account whilst considering their plans.

Community Speedwatch Campaign

Borough Cllr Jenny Bokor is collecting signatures in support of a Community Speedwatch Campaign. If you are interested in supporting this scheme please contact Cllr Bokor. Once 200 signatures have been collected the next steps for the scheme will entail volunteers being trained to use the equipment and a project co-ordinator being identified.

2012 – Diamond Jubilee and the Olympic Flame

Thank you to everyone who completed the recent flyer which was distributed to each household in the village asking for your thoughts on ideas and images to be included in the decorative village sign to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee and the Olympic Torch Relay.

Responses have been collated and the village school has also been consulted, with each class designing a poster explaining what Wymeswold means to them.

The three main aspects coming out of the survey to be included in the sign were: St Mary’s Church, A Brook Street scene and The Duck Race. Susan Crinage is now finalising the design before the sign is formally commissioned.

The application for an ‘Awards for All’ grant has been unsuccessful as the scheme had been considered to be a heritage project. A sum to cover the costs has, however, been set aside in the PC’s budget.

The route of the Olympic Torch has been announced and it will travel from Rempstone to Wymeswold along Far Street and out of the village along the A6006 to Melton Mowbray. Further details can be found in the Parish notice board on The Stockwell and on

The PC is planning to unveil the new sign as the centre piece of a community event on the Stockwell on Tuesday 3rd July after the Torch Relay has passed through the village at around 11.30am.

Sports Pavilion potential refurbishment

Cllr Shaw reported that, at no cost to the PC, plans are being drawn up to submit an application to Sports England for a grant to refurbish the Sports Pavilion on the Burton Lane Playing Field. Funding is available as part of the Olympic legacy project. Cllr Shaw would update the PC at the next meeting.

Washdyke Report

The Washdyke Association is pleased to announce that they have secured funding to relay the hedge to the west side of the Washdyke and this will be done at the beginning of the next planting season which will be in October.

The two new pieces of equipment for the Trim Trail will be installed at the beginning of May so make sure that you take advantage of the summer evenings and take a look at the new additions. It is also hoped that work will start on The Sundial project in May so watch out for these exciting developments on The Washdyke.

The next meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council will held on Monday 14th of May 2012 in the Jubilee Room, Wymeswold Memorial Hall, Clay Street, Wymeswold, starting at 7:15pm.

The Annual Parish Meeting, and the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will precede the normal monthly meeting of the Parish Council and will commence at 7 pm.  All parishioners were welcome to attend.

Alice Gardam
Clerk to Wymeswold Parish Council