Parish Council Report January 2012

Police Report

There were three crimes reported in December. On the 4th December possession of cannabis was detected on Burton Lane, on the 14th December there was a theft on Narrow Lane and on the 18th December there was a theft to a dwelling on Home Leys Way. PC Gosling also urged people to be vigilant whilst de-icing their cars in the upcoming winter months and not too leave the engine running unattended. Please see PC Gosling’s separate report for further information.

Reports from the County and Borough Councillors

Borough Cllr Bokor sent in two queries to be reported to the Parish Council. The first was to enquire if the PC would be adding to the concerns of parishioners over Centrebus’s plans to remove six key bus times from the no 8 bus service. This had been done and Centrebus has agreed to leave the services unaltered. Cllr Bokor also asked if the PC would revisit the possibility of housing a defibrillator in Wymeswold. Cllr Shaw reported that a meeting with a national charity – Community Heartbeat – had already been set up regarding the provision of a defibrillator for the village and would report back further information at the next PC meeting.

Proposal to install a pedestrian crossing on Far Street

The Parish Council were pleased to welcome many members of the public to the January meeting. Residents came to show their support of the proposal to install a pedestrian crossing on Far Street. Cllr Shaw summarised the background to the proposed pedestrian crossing and outlined the research that has already been undertaken by the Parish Council and LCC Highways. Cllr Ling also gave a synopsis of the site meeting held with LCC Highways regarding the possible location of the crossing. Cllr Shaw then invited comments from the public who added their concerns and dangers of crossing the A6006. They were in agreement that installing a pedestrian crossing on Far Street would be a positive action and help to alleviate the problem of crossing the road. Cllr Shaw then asked the Parish Council to vote on the matter and it was unanimously voted to support the proposal. These responses will now be fed back to LCC Highways and we await their response with anticipation.

2012 – Diamond Jubilee and the Olympic Flame

At the January meeting the Parish Council voted to commemorate the year with a decorative village sign to mark the Diamond Jubilee and the arrival of the Olympic Flame in the village on 3rd July 2012. The sign will be placed on Queen’s Park in the Stockwell and unveiled at a short ceremony with the Olympic Flame on 3rd July. The sign would include a pictorial design featuring different aspects of the village, and suggestions on which aspects of village life should appear would be welcomed, as well as any offers of help with the design.

The next meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council will held on Monday 6th of February 2012 in the Jubilee Room, Wymeswold Memorial Hall, Clay Street, Wymeswold, starting at 7:15pm. All parishioners are welcome to attend.

Alice Gardam
Clerk to Wymeswold Parish Council