Police report
PC R Gosling submitted a police report to the meeting on 2nd July for the month of June. Four crimes occurred in the village in June. On the 8th June there were two incidents of theft from a motor vehicle on Brook Street. On the 28th June there was another incident of theft on Far Street and on the 30th June there was a burglary to outbuildings on Narrow Lane.
Community Speedwatch Campaign
Cllr Ling has been co-ordinating the Community Speedwatch Scheme and has had a fantastic response from parishioners. 201 signatures have been collected for the campaign and 29 volunteers have signed up to complete the necessary training. The volunteers are looking forward to their training which will have begun at the end of August and the scheme will be up-and-running at the beginning of September.
2012 – The Olympic Torch Relay and unveiling of the Village Sign
By the time you read this the 3rd of July will be long gone but we hope that it is not forgotten! I am sure you will all agree that The Olympic Torch Relay day was a fantastic day highlighted by the unveiling of our new village sign. People turned out in force and the streets were lined with people, not forgetting the Wymeswold School children, to welcome the torchbearers to Wymeswold. Thank you to Cllr Shaw and the village sign committee for helping to make this a memorable day for Wymeswold. We are also very grateful to Susan Crinage for the artwork of the sign and for managing to incorporate so many of the aspects of the village which make Wymeswold unique.
Washdyke Report
We hope that you managing to enjoy the summer months and get out to make use if the Washdyke. The sundial is now in place and can be used so long as the sun is shining!
The next meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council will be held on Monday 3rd September 2012 in the Jubilee Room, Wymeswold Memorial Hall, Clay Street, Wymeswold, starting at 7:15pm.
Alice Gardam
Clerk to Wymeswold Parish Council