Police Report
There were four crimes reported in the month of February as follows: 13/2/12 – burglary (non-dwelling) on Far Street, 17/2/12 – vehicle interference on London Lane, 24/2/12 – criminal damage to a motor vehicle on London Lane, and 27/2/12 criminal damage to stables on Wysall Lane.
If you need to contact the Police in non-emergency situations, please dial 101. You can contact your local Neighbourhood Policing team directly – PC 2983 Richard Gosling and PCSO 6438 Stu Venables – by telephoning 101, selecting option 2 and when prompted, tap in identification numbers 2983 or 6438 to leave a message. The Police beat team will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also send an e-mail by logging onto the website at www.leics.police.uk and clicking on the ‘Neighbourhood Policing’ icon. Alternatively, if you wish to prove information and remain anonymous then you can contact Crime stoppers on 0800 555 111.
Reports from the County and Borough Councillors
County Councillor Richard Shepherd reported that he has circulated an update on Broadband speeds in the area. There is also a link in this report to a business/household survey which he encouraged people to complete. Cllr Bokor agreed to include this in the next issue of the Link.
Borough Cllr Jenny Bokor reported that following queries from members of the public over changes to a property on Wysall Lane, Charnwood’s Planning Enforcement Officers had visited the property to investigate any potential breaches of planning and highways regulations.
Update on proposal for a pedestrian crossing on Far Street between the Stockwell and Wysall Lane junctions
The Parish Council was again pleased to welcome many parishioners to the meeting to discuss this topic and County Cllr R Shepherd updated on developments since the last meeting. Leics CC Highways had been in contact and proposed to re-investigate the proposed location of the crossing as the current location may create a false sense of security. Cllr Shepherd suggested that the PC take time to pause and reflect on their response to Leics CC Highways and to consider this suggestion.
Cllr Shaw then invited comments from the public and the parishioners present felt that the current suggested location was, in their opinion, unsafe due to the speeds of vehicles coming through the village at that point. In addition, they felt that the visibility splays, the insufficient braking distance and the necessity to widen the pavements on both sides of the suggested location would create a narrower carriageway and increase the risk of accidents. It was, however, felt by some parishioners that the village would benefit from the creation of a safer crossing point.
Cllr Shaw summarised by thanking everyone for attending and appreciated their input. Cllr Shepherd will respond to LCC Highways to consider their offer and the PC will continue to collect responses to the flyer that had been circulated.
2012 – Diamond Jubilee and the Olympic Flame
Plans for this project are now in full swing and you will all hopefully have received your flyers regarding the decorative village sign and returned them with your own ideas of images of Wymeswold which could be included on the sign. Various village clubs have also been involved and each class at Wymeswold School will be designing a poster with their ideas. The application for an ‘Awards for All’ grant has been submitted and, if successful, would cover the majority of the costs of the sign.
It is proposed to unveil the sign as the centrepiece of a community event on the Stockwell on Tuesday 3rd July to welcome the Olympic Flame to the village.
Charnwood Borough Council has also been in contact regarding the practice run of the Torch Relay team which is being held on the 20th April. A meeting to discuss arrangements for both the practice leg in April and the Olympic Flame event on 3rd July has been agreed with Charnwood.
Community Speedwatch Campaign
The idea of a Community Speedwatch scheme is still under discussion. The Parish Council would be interested in hearing your views and asking if anyone would be prepared to volunteer for the campaign.
The next meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council will held on Monday 2nd of April 2012 in the Jubilee Room, Wymeswold Memorial Hall, Clay Street, Wymeswold, starting at 7:15pm. All parishioners are welcome to attend.
Alice Gardam
Clerk to Wymeswold Parish Council