Parish Council Report November 2012

Police report

PC Gosling and PC Venables reported that there was only one crime in Wymeswold in October which was damage to a motor vehicle on Trinity Crescent. There have been four cases of number plate theft in Barrow upon Soar. This is an emerging issue which the police have recently brought to our attention, and has seen a continuation into October. It is possible that all crimes occurred on one day as all four thefts overlap 6th October. Sileby also saw two similar thefts of number plates, on both the 1st and 7th October, and so it appears this is not a crime exclusive to Barrow. To counteract this the police will be holding an event, hopefully later in November, where in conjunction with the AA they will fit tamper proof screws free of charge to vehicle number plates at a location to be confirmed. This will be advertised in due course, and the police will keep us informed.

Reports from the County and Borough Councillors

Cllr Bokor reported that the planning application for the installation of a solar farm on Wymeswold Airfield is going to the plans committee and the recommendation is that permission should be granted. Cllr Bokor also reported on the Core Strategy. She explained that the two least problematic areas for a sustainable urban extension would be Thurmaston and North Garendon. She reported that the area North of Cotes is very low on the priority list for development and there are other areas that are more suitable as sustainable urban extensions that would be considered before Cotes.

Cllr Shepherd gave an update on the installation of super fast broadband. The government is currently identifying possible suppliers for the installation and so far the companies being considered are BT and Fujitsu. The installation will take two years to complete and should start in summer 2014. Priority areas will not be identified as we were led to believe by the recent online survey that we were asked to complete.

Maintenance of the River Mantle on Brook Street

The Parish Council has been pressing both Charnwood Borough Council and Leics CC Highways for a change to the brook maintenance programme. For some years the brook has not been cleared between March and October as it provides a potential habit for water voles. However, he PC feels that the build up of vegetation and debris in the brook is causing further flood risk issues during periods of heavy rain, such as experienced this summer. It has been confirmed that flood risk and highway safety takes a higher priority than conservation, therefore a site meeting has now been agreed with both agencies with a view to providing some clearance of the brook vegetation in the summer months.

Post Office Outreach Service

The Post Office service on a Saturday has unfortunately now been withdrawn due to low useage. The days and opening times are now as follows: Monday 9am – 12:30pm, Wednesday 10am – 2pm, Friday 9am – 12noon. We would encourage parishioners to continue to use the outreach service on these days to ensure the continuation of the service.

Boyer Planning Development

The Parish Council has objected to the outline planning application for a development of 32 new houses on the land either side of Storkit Lane, north of Rempstone Road.

The next meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council will be held on Monday 3rd December 2012 in the Jubilee Room, Wymeswold Memorial Hall, Clay Street, Wymeswold, starting at 7:15pm.

Alice Gardam
Clerk to Wymeswold Parish Council