Police Report
We are pleased to report that there were no crimes recorded in Wymeswold for the month of February.
Reports from the County and Borough Councillors
County Councillor Richard Shepherd has been investigating various highways issues in the village including the damaged kerbs outside no.1 Hoton Road.
Borough Cllr Bokor is liaising with the Charnwood Borough Council housing department for a grit bin to be installed for the sheltered housing on Church Street. There has also been a proposal at Council to have a snow warden in the borough, especially to check on old people’s homes and a report is being prepared for Cabinet.
Boyer Planning Application
The planning application to build 32 new houses on both sides of Storkit Lane came before Charnwood Borough Council’s Planning Committee on 28th February. Both Cllr Shaw and Cllr Ling attended the meeting and Cllr Shaw spoke on behalf of Wymeswold PC. The planning committee voted to support the recommendation of the planning officers and Boyer Planning’s application was refused. Boyer Planning do still have the option to appeal against the decision and we will endeavour to keep you informed of any developments.
Sand Bags
The Parish Council still has a number of sand bags ready for distribution. If you feel that your property is at risk of flooding please contact the clerk using the details below to arrange delivery.
Requests to the Parish Council
If you have a concern or an issue that you wish to raise with the Parish Council may we ask that it is done in writing either by sending an e-mail to the address below or by posting a letter through my door – 9 London Lane, Wymeswold. If you wish to follow this up with a visit to one of the Parish Council’s meeting you would be very welcome.
The next meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council will held on Monday 8th April 2013 in the Jubilee Room, Wymeswold Memorial Hall, Clay Street, Wymeswold, starting at 7:15pm. All parishioners are welcome to attend.
Alice Gardam
Clerk to Wymeswold Parish Council