Police Report
We are pleased to report that there were no crimes reported in Wymeswold in June. We would still urge people to be vigilant over the summer months and be mindful not to leave doors and windows unlocked.
If you have any issues for the Police please contact PCSO 6555 James Johnson tel 0116 2222222 or 101, voicemail 6555, ext 4228.
Reports from the County and Borough Councillors
County Council officers are preparing for the review of HGV routes along the A6006 and the B676 which will be carried out later in the year. Cllr Shepherd would also be interested to receive any comments or questions which might arise from the item entitled “Taking care of the roads” which appeared in the July/August edition of the “The Christian Link”.
Cllr Bokor reported that the Cotes planning application should be going before the plans committee on July 17th (but this is not confirmed), and that the Core Strategy should be back in circulation in September.
Parish Survey
Thank you to all the parishioners that have returned their completed surveys. The Parish Council will now process the results and a full report will be available in September.
To report on the traffic monitoring on the A6006 and the planned LCC Traffic Flow Survey
Cllr Shepherd has asked the new Director of Environment and Transport to take a fresh look at the problems caused by the heavy flows of HGV’s in The Wolds. County Council officers are preparing for the review of HGV routes along the A6006 and the B676 which they will be carrying out later in the year. The finer points of the survey are still to be discussed but they will be using number plate recognition to try and identify the start point and destination of the HGV’s and they will be measuring speeds.
Cllr Ling also organised a team of volunteer parishioners to monitor the Wysall Lane junction in June. Over a period of 2 days, 14 hours were monitored and 10 vehicles were recorded mounting the pavement as the road is too narrow at that point for two vehicles to pass. All of these findings will be reported back to LCC as part of their survey. Cllr Ling wished to record her thanks to all the volunteers that took part.
The adoption of the village mowing from LCC
The current contract that LCC holds with Lafarge for the mowing of the highway verges in the village will come to an end in 2014. LCC are offering Parish Councils the option to opt out of the LCC mowing programme and take responsibility of mowing the areas that they currently cut. LCC would give the Parish Council a financial contribution to the cost but there would be a shortfall which would need to be met by the Parish Council. In order to cut costs, LCC are also only proposing to cut the grass five times next year as oppose to the seven cuts that they do currently.
With this in mind, and the state of the verges this summer, the Parish Council has decided to opt out of the LCC mowing programme and take on the responsibility of cutting the highways verges. This is a big project to take on but the Parish Council will have more control over the frequency of the cuts resulting in a tidier, better kept village.
The next meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council will held on Monday 1st September 2014 in the Jubilee Room, Wymeswold Memorial Hall, Clay Street, Wymeswold, starting at 7:15pm. All parishioners are welcome to attend.
Alice Gardam
Clerk to Wymeswold Parish Council