Police Report
There were two crimes reported in Wymeswold in April as follows: Between 20th and 22nd April there was a theft from a motor vehicle on Wymeswold Lane, and between and 22nd and and 23rd April there was a theft from a motor vehicle on East Road. The police are reminding people not to leave valuables in their vehicles during the day and overnight. If you have any issues for the Police please contact PCSO 6555 James Johnson tel 0116 2222222 or 101, voicemail 6555, ext 4228.
Annual Meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council and Annual Parish Meeting
In May the Parish Council has two annual meetings and we are always happy to welcome parishioners to both the Annual Meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council and the Annual Parish Meeting. Cllr Shaw gave a report on the all the projects that the PC has been involved in over the past twelve months and his report can be read in full in this edition of the Link, on the Parish notice board or at www.wymeswold.com. At the Annual meeting of the Parish Council the positions of Chairman and Vice Chair are elected. Cllr Shaw was re-elected as Chairman and we have a new Vice Chair – Cllr Jo Ling.
Welcome to our new Parish Councillor
Due to the retirement of Cllr Joan Hubbard a vacancy had arisen for a councillor and a notice to advertise the casual vacancy was placed in the notice board. Charnwood Borough Council confirmed that they did not receive any requests for an election and that the vacancy could be filled by the Parish Council as soon as practicable by co-option. It was agreed to offer the post to the candidate with the most votes, after the current councillors, from the most recent Parish Council election which was Mr. John Davies. Mr. Davies was present at the meeting and accepted the position of Parish Councillor. We would like to welcome Cllr Davies to the Parish Council and look forward to working with him.
Reports from the County and Borough Councillors
County Councillor Shepherd and Borough Councillor Jenny Bokor were unable to attend the meeting but sent in the following reports: County-wide issues have been dealt with in the Spring edition of “Leicestershire Matters”, with a front page story headed “Council agrees major changes”. The Spring edition should have been distributed recently. Cllr Shepherd also reported that he is working with Jenny Bokor in monitoring the proposed Cotes development and considering how matters might unfold.
Cllr Bokor also sent in a report in her absence. The main update is on the Cotes development which is expected to go to Plans Committee on Thursday 19th June and it is expected to have an officers recommendation to refuse on two major reasons: non sustainability of its location and the impact on the historical and rural landscape. Cllr Bokor also reported that she spoke at Plans Committee to try to deflect the new proposed wind turbine on Narrow Lane, especially as the Air Accident report on the recent light aircraft crash from AAIB is due out in two months. The application was, however, granted permission.
The next meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council will held on Monday 2nd June 2014 in the Jubilee Room, Wymeswold Memorial Hall, Clay Street, Wymeswold, starting at 7:15pm. All parishioners are welcome to attend.
Alice Gardam
Clerk to Wymeswold Parish Council