Parish Council Report September 2015

Police Report

There were 3 crimes reported in August – 1/8/15 burglary from insecure building overnight. 7/8/15 males smashed windows and entered a property. 17/8/15 burglary from a shed.

Our Beat team consists of PC 4122 Lisa Mansfield, PCSO 6654 Rob Dignan and PCSO 6555 James Johnson, PC 3109 Georgina Lockton and PCSO 6048 Adam Loydall.
Contact details for the police are as follows:
Contact: Emergency call 999, Non emergency or advice 101.

Planning Applications

The planning application for 45 houses proposed on land north of East Rd has been refused by Charnwood Borough Council. The applicants can still appeal the decision and have 6 months to do so. We are still awaiting the decision from Charnwood Borough Council for the planning application on Burton Lane for up to 60 houses however the core strategy is getting nearer to being adopted and is being used as a guidance in planning applications already.

Sports Pavilion

We are pleased to say that the new Sports Pavilion is now completed and up and running. With further funds from Sport England the Parish Council has been able to complete the project over the summer. The Cricket Club have finished their summer lease and the Wymeswold Football club will take up the lease over the winter along with the Stargazing Club.


At the end of the September meeting Cllr Shaw tended his resignation to the Parish Council. Cllr Shaw has served on the Parish Council for 8 1/2 years and has been involved in many projects in the village throughout that time. We would like to thank Cllr Shaw for all of his hard work and time dedicated to the village during his time on the Council and wish him well in his new job.

The next meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council will be held on Monday 5th October 2015 in the Jubilee Room, Wymeswold Memorial Hall, Clay Street, Wymeswold, starting at 7:15pm. All parishioners are welcome to attend.

Alice Gardam
Clerk to Wymeswold Parish Council
Tel 01509 881664