News Report March 2016

Police Report

Since December there have been 13 burglaries in the village. This is an unprecedented amount and the police are carrying out extra patrols in the village especially at night time. If you see any suspicious cars or vans in the village please do report them to the police on 101. The police beat surgery in February was very well attended and our local police beat team were happy to discuss the recent crime in the village and offer advice on crime prevention. Dates for upcoming police beat meetings will be posted around the village and on the Parish Council website. We would encourage any parishioners with concerns to attend. The police are also advising that a Neighbourhood Watch scheme could help to prevent crime. If you are interested contact the Parish Clerk for an application form.

Burton Lane Housing Development

We can report that the appeal against the decision to refuse outline planning permission for the housing development on Burton Lane has been withdrawn. The planning consultants acting on behalf of Avant Homes have told us that they plan to submit an application for a much smaller development. This will have to go through the Charnwood Borough Council planning department again and the Parish Council will be consulted. The formal adoption of the Core Strategy will work in our favour as all the housing for The Wolds has been allocated and the Borough now has a 5 year housing supply.

Please Pick up after your Dogs

We are still getting reports of dog fouling in the village. We have installed extra dog bins so please use, there really is no excuse!

Following requests from residents, the Parish Council has registered the “Three Crowns’ as a Community Asset with Charnwood Borough Council. If the property comes up for sale, the right will give the community six months to put together a bid to buy it.

The next meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council will be held on Monday 11th April 2016 in the Sports Pavilion, Burton Lane, Wymeswold, starting at 7:15pm. All parishioners are welcome to attend.

Alice Gardam
Clerk to Wymeswold Parish Council
Tel 01509 881664