Police Report
There were three crimes reported in Wymeswold in October. On 26th September (this was reported in October) there was a theft to a motor vehicle. On 6th and 12th October there were two theft crimes reported but the police have not revealed the location. The Parish Council has agreed to ask the police for a more detailed report in the future.
HGVs on Church Street
A meeting has been held with LCC Highways to discuss a solution to the problems caused by HGVs attempting to drive down Church Street. Plans have been drawn up to install a triangle shaped splitter island at the Far Street end of Church Street which will allow for service vehicles to operate within Church Street, but not permit enough space within the road for HGVs to turn into the street. The plans will be put out to the local parishioners for their comments. The Parish Council has agreed to respond to LCC Highways in favour of the plans and to ask for a grassed area within the island.
Reports from the County and Borough Councillors
Cllr Bokor reported that CBC had an extraordinary meeting on 28th October to discuss the Charnwood Local Plan Core Strategy. It was decided by majority to send the strategy to a planning inspector for examination. Cllr Bokor has given the PC advice on the response to the Jelson development in Cotes and urged individuals to respond to the planning application. Cllr Bokor also reported CBC has agreed to install a grit bin for the bungalows on Church Street and discussions are being held with LCC regarding the installation of a handrail along the paths. CBC has also completed a clear up of the fallen leaves.
Cllr Shepherd reported that there has been a press release advising on the results of the government savings consultation. The top ten areas were street lighting, grants to communities, funding for agencies, travel to schools, grass cutting, early learning, children’s centres, funding for businesses, school support and museums. Together, these nine services account for around £32 million of spending. The consultation findings will be considered by the council’s scrutiny commission on November 6th and by the cabinet on November 20th. The budget proposals will be published in January and the full council will take a final decision on February 19th.
Neighbourhood Plan Meeting
There is to be a Neighbourhood Plan meeting to be held in conjunction with Burton on the Wolds, Cotes, Prestwold and Hoton on 18th November. If any parishioners are interested in helping to develop a Neighbourhood Plan or have any suggestions please get in touch.
Memorial Hall Playground
The new equipment for the The Memorial Hall playground has now been ordered and will be installed as soon as possible.
The next meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council will held on Monday 2nd December in the Jubilee Room, Wymeswold Memorial Hall, Clay Street, Wymeswold, starting at 7:15pm. All parishioners are welcome to attend.
Alice Gardam
Clerk to Wymeswold Parish Council