Co–option of new councillors
We are pleased to welcome Cllr Richard Higgins and Cllr Jeremy Clouston–Jones to the Parish Council and look forward to working with them. This means that the Parish Council is now acting as a complete council with seven Councillors that are allocated to Wymeswold. We would like to thank the parishioners who came forward to offer their help and support to the co–option of new members.
The Parish Council’s annual audit has now been submitted to the external auditors after passing thorough internal checks. This is an annual legal requirement of the Parish Council and the accounts are available for inspection if required.
Neighbourhood Plan
As a result of the recent increase in planning applications around the village the possibility of producing a Neighbourhood Plan has been suggested again. The Parish Council did research the idea last year, however it was decided it was not possible to progress further as there was not enough support from parishioners. If this is something that you think should be revisited and are interested in helping with please contact the Parish Council using the details below.
Sports Pavilion Refurbishment
We are looking forward to opening the new sports pavilion on Sunday 28th June at 12.30pm and hope that many of you will be able to come and have a look at the fantastic new facility that we have in the village.
The next meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council will be held on Monday 6th July 2015 in the Jubilee Room, Wymeswold Memorial Hall, Clay Street, Wymeswold, starting at 7:15pm. All parishioners are welcome to attend.
Alice Gardam
Clerk to Wymeswold Parish Council