Police Report
During the month of December the following crimes were reported:
02/12/2015 – overnight break-in to a shed,
04/12/2015 – entry to a shed gained by breaking locks off the shed door,
both of these occurred on Wide Lane,
05/12/2015 – overnight attempt break in to window of dwelling – Far Street but entry was not gained,
10/12/2015 – overnight break in through bedroom window – Marys Close,
12/12/2015 – break in through patio door – London Lane and
9/12/2015 – evening break in forced lock to door – Appleton Drive.
There was an increase in crime reported in December, in particular domestic burglaries, thieves are aware that people will have valuable items in the house for Christmas. Increased patrols have been conducted in The Wolds and across Charnwood. The advice the police give is to make sure your house is secure and where possible install alarms or have lights on timers to come on while you are out as this normally deters thieves. They are also urging people not to post their holidays on social media until they return.
Leicestershire Police would also like to make residents aware of a possible scam regarding the reading of energy meters, and remind residents should meter readers appear at your property unannounced to double check with your energy provider that they are genuine and ask to see identification.
For an Update from the Charnwood NPA Commander please visit leicspolice.wordpress.com.
In order for the Parish Council’s precept to be set (the amount of money that is apportioned to Wymeswold from your council tax) the Parish Council’s budget for 2016/17 is annually discussed at our meeting in January. We are pleased to report that despite some unexpected costs associated with the Sports Pavilion, we are able to keep the precept at £21,530. The only slight difference is that the grant from Charnwood Borough Council has decreased by £70 from £310 to £240. The Parish Council has been made aware that central government are changing the way they provide funding and are moving towards a ‘capped’ precept approach. In light of this, the PC will look to establish how it would deal with this during our coming financial year. We have worked hard to keep costs down for our parishioners and to work within the available budget to provide the services in the village, and we hope to carry out a community project too. The monthly Parish Council meetings will be held at the sports pavilion from now on.
Sports Pavilion
As you know our newly refurbished and extended Sports Pavilion is now up and running. Heating has been installed so that it can be comfortably used in the winter months, and we are looking to install external lighting for safety and security reasons. There are so many different organisations and clubs in addition to individuals within the village that by donating either their time or money (or in some cases both) have made this project possible. The Parish Council would like to take another opportunity to thank everyone who has been involved in the refurbishment of the Sports Pavilion and hope that you will use this new village asset in the future.
The next meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council will be held on Monday 1st February 2015 in the Sports Pavilion, Burton Lane, Wymeswold, starting at 7:15pm. All parishioners are welcome to attend.
Alice Gardam
Clerk to Wymeswold Parish Council
Tel 01509 881664